Package arez

Class Arez


@OmitClinit public final class Arez extends Object
Provide access to an instance of ArezContext and Arez global configuration settings. The context() should always return the current context. If areZonesEnabled() is false it will return a singleton otherwise the appropriate context for the zone will be invoked.
  • Method Details

    • areZonesEnabled

      @OmitSymbol public static boolean areZonesEnabled()
      Return true if zones are enabled, false otherwise.
      true if zones are enabled, false otherwise.
    • areNamesEnabled

      @OmitSymbol public static boolean areNamesEnabled()
      Return true if user should pass names into API methods, false if should pass null.
      true if user should pass names into API methods, false if should pass null.
    • isVerifyEnabled

      @OmitSymbol public static boolean isVerifyEnabled()
      Return true if Verifiable will verify components be used, false if not.
      true if Verifiable will verify components be used, false if not.
    • areSpiesEnabled

      @OmitSymbol public static boolean areSpiesEnabled()
      Return true if spies are enabled.
      true if spies are enabled, false otherwise.
    • areReferencesEnabled

      @OmitSymbol public static boolean areReferencesEnabled()
      Return true if references are enabled.
      true if references are enabled, false otherwise.
    • areCollectionsPropertiesUnmodifiable

      @OmitSymbol public static boolean areCollectionsPropertiesUnmodifiable()
      Return true if observable properties, computable properties or query results that are of type collection are wrapped in unmodifiable variant prior to returning.
      true if observable properties, computable properties or query results that are of type collection are wrapped in unmodifiable variant prior to returning.
    • arePropertyIntrospectorsEnabled

      @OmitSymbol public static boolean arePropertyIntrospectorsEnabled()
      Return true if property introspectors for Observables are enabled.
      true if property introspectors for Observables are enabled, false otherwise.
    • areRegistriesEnabled

      @OmitSymbol public static boolean areRegistriesEnabled()
      Return true if registries for top level reactive components are enabled.
      true if registries for top level reactive components are enabled, false otherwise.
    • areNativeComponentsEnabled

      @OmitSymbol public static boolean areNativeComponentsEnabled()
      Return true if native components are enabled.
      true if native components are enabled, false otherwise.
    • areObserverErrorHandlersEnabled

      @OmitSymbol public static boolean areObserverErrorHandlersEnabled()
      Return true if observer error handlers are enabled.
      true if observer error handlers are enabled, false otherwise.
    • isTaskInterceptorEnabled

      @OmitSymbol public static boolean isTaskInterceptorEnabled()
      Return true if a task interceptor can be specified.
      true if a task interceptor can be specified
    • shouldCheckInvariants

      @OmitSymbol public static boolean shouldCheckInvariants()
      Return true if invariants will be checked.
      true if invariants will be checked.
    • shouldCheckExpensiveInvariants

      @OmitSymbol public static boolean shouldCheckExpensiveInvariants()
      Return true if expensive invariants will be checked.
      true if expensive invariants will be checked.
    • shouldCheckApiInvariants

      @OmitSymbol public static boolean shouldCheckApiInvariants()
      Return true if apiInvariants will be checked.
      true if apiInvariants will be checked.
    • purgeTasksWhenRunawayDetected

      @OmitSymbol public static boolean purgeTasksWhenRunawayDetected()
      Return true if active tasks will be purged if the scheduler is still running after 100 rounds.
      true if active tasks will be purged if the scheduler is still running after 100 rounds.
    • context

      @Nonnull public static ArezContext context()
      Return the ArezContext from the provider.
      the ArezContext.
    • createZone

      @OmitSymbol(unless="arez.enable_zones") @Nonnull public static Zone createZone()
      Create a new zone. This zone is not yet activated.
      the new zone.