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AbstractRepository<K,T,R extends AbstractRepository<K,T,R>> - Class in arez.component.internal
Abstract base class for repositories that contain Arez components.
AbstractRepository() - Constructor for class arez.component.internal.AbstractRepository
ActAsComponent - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Annotation added to a class or interface that indicates that the type should be treated as a component when verifying references to type.
action() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.ComponentDependency
Return the action to take when the dependency is disposed.
action(Function<T>) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the supplied executable in a transaction.
action(Function<T>) - Method in interface arez.testng.ArezTestSupport
action(Function<T>, int) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the supplied executable in a transaction.
action(Procedure) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the supplied executable in a transaction.
action(Procedure) - Method in interface arez.testng.ArezTestSupport
action(Procedure, int) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the supplied executable in a transaction.
action(String, Function<T>) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the supplied executable in a transaction.
action(String, Function<T>, int) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the supplied executable in a transaction.
action(String, Function<T>, int, Object[]) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the supplied executable in a transaction.
action(String, Procedure) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the supplied executable in a transaction.
action(String, Procedure, int) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the supplied executable in a transaction.
action(String, Procedure, int, Object[]) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the supplied executable in a transaction.
Action - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Methods marked with this annotation are invoked in an Arez transaction.
ActionCompleteEvent - Class in arez.spy
Notification when Action completes.
ActionCompleteEvent(String, boolean, Object[], boolean, Object, Throwable, int) - Constructor for class arez.spy.ActionCompleteEvent
ActionFlags - Class in arez
Flags that can be passed to configure actions.
ActionStartEvent - Class in arez.spy
Notification when Action starts.
ActionStartEvent(String, boolean, Object[]) - Constructor for class arez.spy.ActionStartEvent
ActionWrapper - Annotation Interface in arez.testng
Annotation applied to test methods to indicate whether the test method should be wrapped in an arez action.
addObserverErrorHandler(ObserverErrorHandler) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Add error handler to the list of error handlers called.
addOnDisposeListener(Object, SafeProcedure) - Method in interface arez.component.DisposeNotifier
Add the listener to notify list under key.
addOnDisposeListener(Object, SafeProcedure) - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
Add the listener to notify list under key.
addSpyEventHandler(SpyEventHandler) - Method in interface arez.spy.Spy
Add a spy handler to the list of handlers.
allowEmpty() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.ArezComponent
Return true if the component does not need to explicitly declare elements.
allowEmpty() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.MemoizeContextParameter
Return true if the component does not need to have Memoize annotated methods match.
areCollectionsPropertiesUnmodifiable() - Static method in class arez.Arez
Return true if observable properties, computable properties or query results that are of type collection are wrapped in unmodifiable variant prior to returning.
areNamesEnabled() - Static method in class arez.Arez
Return true if user should pass names into API methods, false if should pass null.
areNativeComponentsEnabled() - Static method in class arez.Arez
Return true if native components are enabled.
areObserverErrorHandlersEnabled() - Static method in class arez.Arez
Return true if observer error handlers are enabled.
arePropertyIntrospectorsEnabled() - Static method in class arez.Arez
Return true if property introspectors for Observables are enabled.
areReferencesEnabled() - Static method in class arez.Arez
Return true if references are enabled.
areRegistriesEnabled() - Static method in class arez.Arez
Return true if registries for top level reactive components are enabled.
areSpiesEnabled() - Static method in class arez.Arez
Return true if spies are enabled.
arez - package arez
Core Arez primitives.
Arez - Class in arez
Provide access to an instance of ArezContext and Arez global configuration settings.
AREZ - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.DepType
The reactive element MUST have at least one dependency on an ObservableValue.
AREZ_DEPENDENCIES - Static variable in class arez.ComputableValue.Flags
Indicates that application code cannot invoke ComputableValue.reportPossiblyChanged() and the ComputableValue is only recalculated if a dependency is updated.
AREZ_DEPENDENCIES - Static variable in class arez.Observer.Flags
Flag set set if the application code can not invoke the Observer.reportStale() method.
AREZ_OR_EXTERNAL - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.DepType
The reactive element may have zero or more dependencies on ObservableValue instances and/or may have dependencies on non-arez elements.
AREZ_OR_EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES - Static variable in class arez.ComputableValue.Flags
Indicates that application code can invoke ComputableValue.reportPossiblyChanged() to indicate some dependency has changed and that the ComputableValue should recompute.
AREZ_OR_EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES - Static variable in class arez.Observer.Flags
Flag set if the application code can invoke the Observer.reportStale() method to indicate that a non-arez dependency has changed.
AREZ_OR_NO_DEPENDENCIES - Static variable in class arez.ComputableValue.Flags
Flag set if the application code cannot invoke ComputableValue.reportPossiblyChanged() to indicate that a dependency has changed.
AREZ_OR_NO_DEPENDENCIES - Static variable in class arez.Observer.Flags
Flag set set if the application code can not invokethe Observer.reportStale() method to indicate that a dependency has changed.
AREZ_OR_NONE - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.DepType
The reactive element may have dependencies on zero or more ObservableValue instances.
arez.annotations - package arez.annotations
This package contains annotations used by the annotation processor to generate model elements.
arez.component - package arez.component
This package contains additional classes to support the component model used by Arez.
arez.component.internal - package arez.component.internal
This package contains internal implementation classes required to support the component model used by Arez.
arez.dom - package arez.dom
arez.processor - package arez.processor
Processor for the arez.annotations.ArezComponent annotation.
arez.promise - package arez.promise
arez.spy - package arez.spy
Spy events and introspection utilities.
arez.testng - package arez.testng
ArezComponent - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Annotation that marks classes or interfaces to be processed by Arez annotation processor.
ArezContext - Class in arez
The ArezContext defines the top level container of interconnected observables and observers.
areZonesEnabled() - Static method in class arez.Arez
Return true if zones are enabled, false otherwise.
ArezProcessor - Class in arez.processor
Annotation processor that analyzes Arez annotated source and generates models from the annotations.
ArezProcessor() - Constructor for class arez.processor.ArezProcessor
ArezTestHook - Class in arez.testng
ArezTestHook() - Constructor for class arez.testng.ArezTestHook
ArezTestSupport - Interface in arez.testng
ArezTestUtil - Class in arez
Utility class for interacting with Arez config settings in tests.
ArezTestUtil.Logger - Interface in arez
Interface to intercept log messages emitted by Arez runtime.
asComponentInfo(Component) - Method in interface arez.spy.Spy
Convert the specified component into an ComponentInfo.
asComponentObservable(Object) - Static method in interface arez.component.ComponentObservable
Cast specified object to an instance of ComponentObservable.
asComputableValue() - Method in interface arez.spy.ObservableValueInfo
Convert the Observable to a ComputableValue.
asComputableValue() - Method in interface arez.spy.ObserverInfo
Convert the Observer to a ComputableValue.
asComputableValueInfo(ComputableValue<T>) - Method in interface arez.spy.Spy
Convert the specified ComputableValue into an ComputableValueInfo.
asDisposable(Object) - Static method in interface arez.Disposable
Cast specified object to instance of Disposable.
asDisposeNotifier(Object) - Static method in interface arez.component.DisposeNotifier
Cast the specified object to an instance of DisposeNotifier.
asIdentifiable(Object) - Static method in interface arez.component.Identifiable
Cast specified object to instance of Identifiable.
asList(Stream<T>) - Static method in class arez.component.internal.CollectionsUtil
Convert specified stream to a list, wrapping as an unmodifiable list if required.
asObservableValueInfo(ObservableValue<T>) - Method in interface arez.spy.Spy
Convert the specified observableValue into an ObservableValueInfo.
asObserverInfo(Observer) - Method in interface arez.spy.Spy
Convert the specified observer into an ObserverInfo.
asTaskInfo(Task) - Method in interface arez.spy.Spy
Convert the specified task into an TaskInfo.
attach(T) - Method in class arez.component.internal.AbstractRepository
Attach specified entity to the set of entities managed by the container.
AUTODETECT - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.Feature
Feature should be present if autodetect heuristics determines that it should be enables.


BrowserLocation - Class in arez.dom
This is a simple abstraction over browser location as a hash.


call() - Method in interface arez.Function
Return a value.
call() - Method in interface arez.Procedure
Perform an action, or throw an exception if unable to do so.
call() - Method in interface arez.SafeFunction
Return a value.
call() - Method in interface arez.SafeProcedure
Perform an action.
call(Object...) - Method in interface arez.component.internal.MemoizeCache.Function
Return calculated memoizable value.
CASCADE - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.ComponentDependency.Action
Remove the component.
CascadeDispose - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Methods and fields annotated by this annotation should be disposed when the component is disposed.
changeLocation(String) - Method in class arez.dom.BrowserLocation
Change the target location to the specified parameter.
checkApiInvariants() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.check_api_invariants` setting to true.
checkExpensiveInvariants() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.check_expensive_invariants` setting to true.
checkInvariants() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.check_invariants` setting to true.
clear() - Method in class arez.testng.ObserverErrorCollector
CollectionsUtil - Class in arez.component.internal
Utility methods used when returning results from repositories.
CollectObserverErrors - Annotation Interface in arez.testng
Annotation applied to test methods that indicate that observer errors should not cause the test to fail.
collectStopWatches(Collection<StopWatch>) - Method in class arez.processor.ArezProcessor
complete() - Method in class arez.Component
The toolkit user should call this method when the component is complete.
COMPLETE - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.State
The PostConstruct method (if any) has been invoked and Observers have been scheduled but the scheduler has not been triggered.
component(String, Object) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create a component with the specified parameters and return it.
component(String, Object, String) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create a component with the specified parameters and return it.
component(String, Object, String, SafeProcedure) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create a component with the specified parameters and return it.
component(String, Object, String, SafeProcedure, SafeProcedure) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create a component with the specified parameters and return it.
Component - Class in arez
The component is an abstraction representation of a reactive component within Arez.
componentComplete() - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
Transition component state from ComponentKernel.COMPONENT_INITIALIZED to ComponentKernel.COMPONENT_CONSTRUCTED and then to ComponentKernel.COMPONENT_READY.
componentConstructed() - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
Transition component state from ComponentKernel.COMPONENT_INITIALIZED to ComponentKernel.COMPONENT_CONSTRUCTED.
ComponentCreateCompleteEvent - Class in arez.spy
Notification when a Component is has finished being created.
ComponentCreateCompleteEvent(ComponentInfo) - Constructor for class arez.spy.ComponentCreateCompleteEvent
ComponentCreateStartEvent - Class in arez.spy
Notification when a Component is starting to be created.
ComponentCreateStartEvent(ComponentInfo) - Constructor for class arez.spy.ComponentCreateStartEvent
ComponentDependency - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Methods and fields marked with this annotation are dependencies of the component.
ComponentDependency.Action - Enum Class in arez.annotations
The action to take when dependency is disposed.
ComponentDisposeCompleteEvent - Class in arez.spy
Notification when a Component dispose has completed.
ComponentDisposeCompleteEvent(ComponentInfo) - Constructor for class arez.spy.ComponentDisposeCompleteEvent
ComponentDisposeStartEvent - Class in arez.spy
Notification when a Component is disposed.
ComponentDisposeStartEvent(ComponentInfo) - Constructor for class arez.spy.ComponentDisposeStartEvent
ComponentId - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Annotate the method that should return the Id for Arez component.
ComponentIdRef - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Marks a template method that returns the Id of the component.
ComponentInfo - Interface in arez.spy
A representation of a component instance exposed to spy framework.
ComponentKernel - Class in arez.component.internal
The "kernel" of the components generated by the annotation processor.
ComponentKernel(ArezContext, String, int, Component, SafeProcedure, SafeProcedure, SafeProcedure, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
ComponentNameRef - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Annotate the method that will be overridden to provide the "name" of the Arez component.
ComponentObservable - Interface in arez.component
Interface implemented by components so that observers can observe the component without observing a particular property.
componentReady() - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
Transition component state from ComponentKernel.COMPONENT_CONSTRUCTED to ComponentKernel.COMPONENT_READY.
ComponentRef - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Marks a template method that returns the Component instance for the component.
ComponentStateRef - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Annotate the method that will be overridden to return true if the component is in the specified state.
ComponentTypeNameRef - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Annotate the method that will be overridden to return the value of
computable(Component, String, SafeFunction<T>) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create a ComputableValue with specified parameters.
computable(Component, String, SafeFunction<T>, int) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create a ComputableValue with specified parameters.
computable(SafeFunction<T>) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create a ComputableValue with specified parameters.
computable(SafeFunction<T>, int) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create a ComputableValue with specified parameters.
computable(String, SafeFunction<T>) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create a ComputableValue with specified parameters.
computable(String, SafeFunction<T>, int) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create a ComputableValue with specified parameters.
ComputableValue<T> - Class in arez
The ComputableValue represents an ObservableValue derived from other ObservableValues within the Arez system.
ComputableValue.Flags - Class in arez
Flags that can configure ComputableValue instances during creation.
ComputableValueActivateEvent - Class in arez.spy
ComputableValue has activated.
ComputableValueActivateEvent(ComputableValueInfo) - Constructor for class arez.spy.ComputableValueActivateEvent
ComputableValueCreateEvent - Class in arez.spy
ComputableValue has been created.
ComputableValueCreateEvent(ComputableValueInfo) - Constructor for class arez.spy.ComputableValueCreateEvent
ComputableValueDeactivateEvent - Class in arez.spy
ComputableValue has de-activated.
ComputableValueDeactivateEvent(ComputableValueInfo) - Constructor for class arez.spy.ComputableValueDeactivateEvent
ComputableValueDisposeEvent - Class in arez.spy
ComputableValue has been disposed.
ComputableValueDisposeEvent(ComputableValueInfo) - Constructor for class arez.spy.ComputableValueDisposeEvent
ComputableValueInfo - Interface in arez.spy
A representation of a ComputableValue instance exposed to spy framework.
ComputableValueRef - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Marks a template method that returns the ComputableValue instance for the Memoize annotated property.
ComputeCompleteEvent - Class in arez.spy
Notification when Computation completes.
ComputeCompleteEvent(ComputableValueInfo, Object, Throwable, int) - Constructor for class arez.spy.ComputeCompleteEvent
ComputeStartEvent - Class in arez.spy
Notification when Computation starts.
ComputeStartEvent(ComputableValueInfo) - Constructor for class arez.spy.ComputeStartEvent
CONSTRUCTED - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.State
The reactive elements have been created (i.e.
contains(T) - Method in class arez.component.internal.AbstractRepository
context() - Static method in class arez.Arez
Return the ArezContext from the provider.
context() - Method in interface arez.testng.ArezTestSupport
ContextRef - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Marks a template method that returns the ArezContext instance for component.
create() - Static method in class arez.dom.BrowserLocation
Create the model object.
create() - Static method in class arez.dom.DocumentVisibility
Create component monitoring the default document.
create() - Static method in class arez.dom.GeoPosition
Create the GeoPosition component.
create() - Static method in class arez.dom.IdleStatus
Create an instance of this model.
create() - Static method in class arez.dom.NetworkStatus
Create an instance of NetworkStatus.
create(long) - Static method in class arez.dom.IdleStatus
Create an instance of this model.
create(Document) - Static method in class arez.dom.DocumentVisibility
Create component monitoring specific document.
create(Promise<T>) - Static method in class arez.promise.ObservablePromise
Create the observable model that wraps specified promise.
create(Window, String) - Static method in class arez.dom.MediaQuery
Create an instance of MediaQuery.
create(String) - Static method in class arez.dom.MediaQuery
Create an instance of MediaQuery.
create(SourceType, String, EventDrivenValue.Accessor<SourceType, ValueType>) - Static method in class arez.dom.EventDrivenValue
Create the component.
createZone() - Static method in class arez.Arez
Create a new zone.


DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.Priority
Default priority.
defaultPriority() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.ArezComponent
The default priority used by Memoize and Observe annotated methods.
defaultReadOutsideTransaction() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.ArezComponent
The default value for the readOutsideTransaction parameter of Memoize and Observable annotated methods.
defaultWriteOutsideTransaction() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.ArezComponent
The default value for the writeOutsideTransaction parameter of Observable annotated methods.
depType() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Memoize
Enum indicating whether the value of the computable is derived from arez elements and/or external dependencies.
depType() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Observe
Enum indicating whether the Observer is derived from arez elements and/or external dependencies.
DepType - Enum Class in arez.annotations
Enumeration that describes the types of dependencies supported by an Observer or a ComputableValue.
describeState() - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
Describe component state.
destroy(T) - Method in class arez.component.internal.AbstractRepository
Detach the entity from the container and dispose the entity.
detach(T) - Method in class arez.component.internal.AbstractRepository
Detach entity from container without disposing entity.
Dimension - Class in arez.dom
A class containing width and height dimensions.
Dimension(int, int) - Constructor for class arez.dom.Dimension
Create the dimension object.
DISABLE - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.Feature
Feature should not be present.
disableNames() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.enable_names` setting to false.
disableNativeComponents() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.enable_native_components` setting to false.
disableObserverErrorHandlers() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.enable_observer_error_handlers` setting to false.
disablePropertyIntrospectors() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.enable_property_introspection` setting to false.
disableReferences() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.enable_references` setting to false.
disableRegistries() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.enable_registries` setting to false.
disableSpies() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.enable_spies` setting to false.
disableTaskInterceptor() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.enable_task_interceptor` setting to false.
disableVerify() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.enable_verify` setting to false.
disableZones() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.enable_zones` setting to false.
Disposable - Interface in arez
Interface that allows caller to release any resources associated with element.
dispose() - Method in class arez.Component
dispose() - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
dispose() - Method in class arez.component.internal.MemoizeCache
dispose() - Method in class arez.ComputableValue
Dispose the ComputableValue so that it can no longer be used.
dispose() - Method in interface arez.Disposable
Dispose the element.
dispose() - Method in class arez.dom.DocumentVisibility
dispose() - Method in class arez.ObservableValue
dispose() - Method in class arez.Observer
Make the Observer INACTIVE and release any resources associated with observer.
dispose() - Method in class arez.SchedulerLock
dispose() - Method in class arez.Task
dispose(Object) - Static method in interface arez.Disposable
Dispose the supplied object if it is Disposable, else do nothing.
DISPOSE_ON_COMPLETE - Static variable in class arez.Task.Flags
The flag that specifies that the task should be disposed after it has completed execution.
disposeNotifier() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.ArezComponent
Return enum to control whether the component should support implement the DisposeNotifier interface.
DisposeNotifier - Interface in arez.component
Interface implemented by a component if it supports notifying listeners when the component is disposed.
disposeOnDeactivate() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.ArezComponent
Return true if the component should dispose itself once it is no longer "observed".
DISPOSING - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.State
The component is disposing.
DocumentVisibility - Class in arez.dom
Exposes document.visibilityState as an observable property for specified documents.
DocumentVisibility.Visibility - Enum Class in arez.dom
The visibility state of the document.


EAGER - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.LinkType
Defines that the reference is eagerly loaded on change or during initialization.
ElementInfo - Interface in arez.spy
A representation of an element exposed to spy framework.
enable() - Element in annotation interface arez.testng.ActionWrapper
A flag indicating whether the test method should be wrapped in an action.
ENABLE - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.Feature
Feature should be present.
enableNames() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.enable_names` setting to true.
enableNativeComponents() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.enable_native_components` setting to true.
enableObserverErrorHandlers() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.enable_observer_error_handlers` setting to true.
enablePropertyIntrospectors() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.enable_property_introspection` setting to true.
enableReferences() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.enable_references` setting to true.
enableRegistries() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.enable_registries` setting to true.
enableSpies() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.enable_spies` setting to true.
enableTaskInterceptor() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.enable_task_interceptor` setting to true.
enableVerify() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.enable_verify` setting to true.
enableZones() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.enable_zones` setting to true.
enforceTransactionType() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.enforce_transaction_type` setting to true.
entities() - Method in class arez.component.internal.AbstractRepository
Return a stream of all entities in the container.
entitiesValue() - Method in class arez.component.internal.AbstractRepository
Return a stream of all entities in the container.
equals(Object) - Method in class arez.dom.Dimension
equals(Object) - Method in class arez.dom.Position
EventDrivenValue<SourceType extends akasha.EventTarget,ValueType> - Class in arez.dom
Generic component that exposes a property as observable where changes to the variable are signalled using a browser event.
EventDrivenValue.Accessor<SourceType extends akasha.EventTarget,ValueType> - Interface in arez.dom
The functional interface defining accessor.
executeTasks(SafeProcedure) - Method in interface arez.TaskInterceptor
Method invoked to execute tasks.
executor() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Observe
The actor responsible for calling the observed method.
Executor - Enum Class in arez.annotations
Enum describing the executor responsible for executing the Observer's observe method.
expectSetter() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Observable
Set this to false if there is no setter method and the component is expected to use ObservableValueRef to indicate when value has changed.
EXPLICIT - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.LinkType
Defines that the reference is loaded via explicit call.
EXTERNAL - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.Executor
The application is responsible for invoking the observed method via the ArezContext.observe(Observer, arez.Function, Object...) or ArezContext.observe(Observer, Procedure, Object...) methods.


Feature - Enum Class in arez.annotations
Enum to control if a feature should be enabled.
findAll() - Method in class arez.component.internal.AbstractRepository
Return all the entities.
findAll(Comparator<T>) - Method in class arez.component.internal.AbstractRepository
Return all entities sorted by supplied comparator.
findAllByQuery(Predicate<T>) - Method in class arez.component.internal.AbstractRepository
Return all entities that match query.
findAllByQuery(Predicate<T>, Comparator<T>) - Method in class arez.component.internal.AbstractRepository
Return all entities that match query sorted by supplied comparator.
findAllComponentsByType(String) - Method in interface arez.spy.Spy
Find all the components identified by the specified type.
findAllComponentTypes() - Method in interface arez.spy.Spy
Find all the component types in the system.
findAllTopLevelComputableValues() - Method in interface arez.spy.Spy
Find all the computable values not contained by a native component.
findAllTopLevelObservableValues() - Method in interface arez.spy.Spy
Find all the observables not contained by a native component.
findAllTopLevelObservers() - Method in interface arez.spy.Spy
Find all the observers not contained by a native component.
findAllTopLevelTasks() - Method in interface arez.spy.Spy
Find all the "top-level" tasks defined by the system.
findByArezId(K) - Method in class arez.component.internal.AbstractRepository
findById(Class<T>, Object) - Method in class arez.component.TypeBasedLocator
findById(Class<T>, Object) - Method in interface arez.Locator
Lookup the entity with the specified type and the specified id, returning null if not present.
findByQuery(Predicate<T>) - Method in class arez.component.internal.AbstractRepository
Return the entity that matches query or null if unable to locate matching entity.
findComponent(String, Object) - Method in interface arez.spy.Spy
Find the component identified by the specified type and id.
Flags() - Constructor for class arez.ComputableValue.Flags
Flags() - Constructor for class arez.Observer.Flags
FULFILLED - Enum constant in enum class arez.promise.ObservablePromise.State
Function<T> - Interface in arez
Functional interface for returning a value.


GeoPosition - Class in arez.dom
A component that exposes the current geo position as an observable property.
GeoPosition.Status - Class in arez.dom
get() - Method in class arez.ComputableValue
Return the computable value, calculating the value if it is not up to date.
get() - Method in interface arez.spy.PropertyAccessor
Return the value of an ObservableValue.
get(Object...) - Method in class arez.component.internal.MemoizeCache
Return the result of the memoized function, calculating if necessary.
get(SourceType) - Method in interface arez.dom.EventDrivenValue.Accessor
Return the value.
getAccuracy() - Method in class arez.dom.Position
Return the accuracy of the latitude and longitude properties, expressed in meters.
getAltitude() - Method in class arez.dom.Position
Return the position's altitude in meters, relative to sea level.
getArezId() - Method in interface arez.component.Identifiable
Return the unique id of the component.
getArezId(Object) - Static method in interface arez.component.Identifiable
Return the unique id of the object if it is Identifiable, else return null.
getBrowserLocation() - Method in class arez.dom.BrowserLocation
getByArezId(K) - Method in class arez.component.internal.AbstractRepository
getByQuery(Predicate<T>) - Method in class arez.component.internal.AbstractRepository
Return the entity that matches query else throw an exception.
getComponent() - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
Return the native component associated with the component.
getComponent() - Method in interface arez.spy.ComputableValueInfo
Return the component for the ComputableValue.
getComponent() - Method in interface arez.spy.ObservableValueInfo
Return the component for the Observable.
getComponent() - Method in interface arez.spy.ObserverInfo
Return the component for the specified Observer.
getComponentInfo() - Method in class arez.spy.ComponentCreateCompleteEvent
getComponentInfo() - Method in class arez.spy.ComponentCreateStartEvent
getComponentInfo() - Method in class arez.spy.ComponentDisposeCompleteEvent
getComponentInfo() - Method in class arez.spy.ComponentDisposeStartEvent
getComputableValue() - Method in class arez.spy.ComputableValueActivateEvent
getComputableValue() - Method in class arez.spy.ComputableValueCreateEvent
getComputableValue() - Method in class arez.spy.ComputableValueDeactivateEvent
getComputableValue() - Method in class arez.spy.ComputableValueDisposeEvent
getComputableValue() - Method in class arez.spy.ComputeCompleteEvent
getComputableValue() - Method in class arez.spy.ComputeStartEvent
getComputableValue(Object...) - Method in class arez.component.internal.MemoizeCache
Retrieve the computable value for specified parameters, creating it if necessary.
getComputableValues() - Method in interface arez.spy.ComponentInfo
Return the ComputableValues associated with the component.
getContext() - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
Return the context in which this component was created.
getContext() - Method in class arez.Node
Return the context that the node is associated with.
getContext() - Method in class arez.Zone
Return the context for the zone.
getDependencies() - Method in interface arez.spy.ComputableValueInfo
Return the list of dependencies of the ComputableValue.
getDependencies() - Method in interface arez.spy.ObserverInfo
Return the list of dependencies of the Observer.
getDocument() - Method in class arez.dom.DocumentVisibility
Return the document that monitoring visibility state.
getDuration() - Method in class arez.spy.ActionCompleteEvent
getDuration() - Method in class arez.spy.ComputeCompleteEvent
getDuration() - Method in class arez.spy.ObserveCompleteEvent
getDuration() - Method in class arez.spy.TaskCompleteEvent
getDuration() - Method in class arez.spy.TransactionCompleteEvent
getEntitiesObservableValue() - Method in class arez.component.internal.AbstractRepository
Return the observable associated with entities.
getError() - Method in class arez.promise.ObservablePromise
Return the error that the promise was rejected with.
getError() - Method in class arez.spy.ObserverErrorEvent
getErrorMessage() - Method in class arez.dom.GeoPosition
Return the error message reported by the geolocation API when position could not be loaded else null.
getEvents() - Method in class arez.dom.IdleStatus
Return the set of events to listen to.
getHeading() - Method in class arez.dom.Position
Return the direction in which the device is traveling.
getHeight() - Method in class arez.dom.Dimension
Return the height.
getId() - Method in class arez.Component
Return the unique id of the component.
getId() - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
Return the synthetic id associated with the component.
getId() - Method in exception arez.component.NoSuchEntityException
Return the id of the entity that was not found.
getId() - Method in interface arez.spy.ComponentInfo
Return the unique id of the component.
getIssueTrackerURL() - Method in class arez.processor.ArezProcessor
getLastActivityAt() - Method in class arez.dom.IdleStatus
Return the time at which the last monitored event was received.
getLastChangedAt() - Method in class arez.dom.NetworkStatus
Return the last time at which online status changed.
getLatitude() - Method in class arez.dom.Position
Return the position's latitude in decimal degrees.
getLocation() - Method in class arez.dom.BrowserLocation
Return the location as the application sees it.
getLongitude() - Method in class arez.dom.Position
Return the position's longitude in decimal degrees.
getName() - Method in class arez.Component
Return the unique name of the component.
getName() - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
Return the name of the component.
getName() - Method in class arez.Node
Return the name of the node.
getName() - Method in class arez.spy.ActionCompleteEvent
getName() - Method in class arez.spy.ActionStartEvent
getName() - Method in interface arez.spy.ElementInfo
Return the unique name of the element.
getName() - Method in class arez.spy.TransactionCompleteEvent
getName() - Method in interface arez.spy.TransactionInfo
Return the name of the transaction.
getName() - Method in class arez.spy.TransactionStartEvent
getObservableValue() - Method in class arez.spy.ObservableValueChangeEvent
getObservableValue() - Method in class arez.spy.ObservableValueCreateEvent
getObservableValue() - Method in class arez.spy.ObservableValueDisposeEvent
getObservableValues() - Method in interface arez.spy.ComponentInfo
Return the Observables associated with the component.
getObserver() - Method in class arez.spy.ObserveCompleteEvent
getObserver() - Method in class arez.spy.ObserverCreateEvent
getObserver() - Method in class arez.spy.ObserverDisposeEvent
getObserver() - Method in class arez.spy.ObserverErrorEvent
getObserver() - Method in class arez.spy.ObserveScheduleEvent
getObserver() - Method in class arez.spy.ObserveStartEvent
getObserverErrors() - Method in class arez.testng.ObserverErrorCollector
getObservers() - Method in interface arez.spy.ComponentInfo
Return the Observers associated with the component.
getObservers() - Method in interface arez.spy.ComputableValueInfo
Return the list of observers for ComputableValue.
getObservers() - Method in interface arez.spy.ObservableValueInfo
Return the list of observers for the Observable.
getOptionPrefix() - Method in class arez.processor.ArezProcessor
getParameters() - Method in class arez.spy.ActionCompleteEvent
getParameters() - Method in class arez.spy.ActionStartEvent
getParent() - Method in interface arez.spy.TransactionInfo
Return the parent transaction if any.
getPosition() - Method in class arez.dom.GeoPosition
Return an immutable representation of the current position.
getPriority() - Method in interface arez.spy.ComputableValueInfo
Return the priority of the ComputableValue.
getPriority() - Method in interface arez.spy.ObserverInfo
Return the priority of the Observer.
getPriority() - Method in interface arez.spy.TaskInfo
Return the priority of the task.
getQuery() - Method in class arez.dom.MediaQuery
Return the media query to test against window.
getResult() - Method in class arez.spy.ActionCompleteEvent
getResult() - Method in class arez.spy.ComputeCompleteEvent
getSource() - Method in class arez.dom.EventDrivenValue
Return the element that generates the events that report potential changes to the observed value.
getSpeed() - Method in class arez.dom.Position
Return the velocity of the device in meters per second.
getSpy() - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Return the spy associated with context.
getState() - Method in class arez.promise.ObservablePromise
Return the promise state.
getStatus() - Method in class arez.dom.GeoPosition
Return the status indicating whether the position is available.
getTask() - Method in class arez.spy.TaskCompleteEvent
getTask() - Method in class arez.spy.TaskStartEvent
getThrowable() - Method in class arez.spy.ActionCompleteEvent
getThrowable() - Method in class arez.spy.ComputeCompleteEvent
getThrowable() - Method in class arez.spy.ObserveCompleteEvent
getThrowable() - Method in class arez.spy.ObserverErrorEvent
getThrowable() - Method in class arez.spy.TaskCompleteEvent
getTimeout() - Method in class arez.dom.IdleStatus
Return the duration for which no events should be received for the idle condition to be triggered.
getTracker() - Method in class arez.spy.TransactionCompleteEvent
getTracker() - Method in interface arez.spy.TransactionInfo
Return the tracker associated with this transaction.
getTracker() - Method in class arez.spy.TransactionStartEvent
getTransaction() - Method in interface arez.spy.Spy
Return the current transaction.
getType() - Method in class arez.Component
Return the component type.
getType() - Method in interface arez.spy.ComponentInfo
Return the component type.
getValue() - Method in class arez.dom.EventDrivenValue
Return the value.
getValue() - Method in class arez.promise.ObservablePromise
Return the value that the promise was resolved to.
getValue() - Method in interface arez.spy.ComputableValueInfo
Return the value of the ComputableValue.
getValue() - Method in class arez.spy.ObservableValueChangeEvent
getValue() - Method in interface arez.spy.ObservableValueInfo
Return the value of the specified Observable.
getVisibility() - Method in class arez.dom.DocumentVisibility
Return the visibility state of the document as an enum.
getVisibilityState() - Method in class arez.dom.DocumentVisibility
Return the visibility state of the document as a string.
getWidth() - Method in class arez.dom.Dimension
Return the width.
getWindow() - Method in class arez.dom.MediaQuery
Return the window against which the MediaQuery will run.


hasAccessor() - Method in interface arez.spy.ObservableValueInfo
Return true if the specified Observable has an accessor.
hasBeenCompleted() - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
Return true if the component has been completed.
hasBeenConstructed() - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
Return true if the component has been constructed.
hasBeenInitialized() - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
Return true if the component has been initialized.
hashCode() - Method in class arez.dom.Dimension
hashCode() - Method in class arez.dom.Position
hasMutator() - Method in interface arez.spy.ObservableValueInfo
Return true if the specified Observable has a mutator.
HIDDEN - Enum constant in enum class arez.dom.DocumentVisibility.Visibility
The page content is not visible to the user.
HIGH - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.Priority
High priority.
HIGH - Enum constant in enum class arez.spy.Priority
High priority.
HIGHEST - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.Priority
Highest priority.
HIGHEST - Enum constant in enum class arez.spy.Priority
Highest priority.
Hook - Class in arez
Hook that can be registered for the current observer.


Identifiable<K> - Interface in arez.component
Interface implemented by components so that the underlying identifier can be exposed.
IdleStatus - Class in arez.dom
An Arez browser component that tracks when the user is idle.
INITIAL - Static variable in class arez.dom.GeoPosition.Status
Position data is yet to start loading.
initializer() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Observable
Indicate whether the generated component class should add a parameter to the constructor to initialize this property.
inner(Window) - Static method in class arez.dom.WindowSize
Create an event driven observable component for window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight wrapped in dimension object.
innerHeight(Window) - Static method in class arez.dom.WindowSize
Create an event driven observable component for window.innerHeight.
innerWidth(Window) - Static method in class arez.dom.WindowSize
Create an event driven observable component for window.innerWidth.
INTERNAL - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.Executor
Arez is responsible for invoking the observed method.
inverse() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Reference
Return the enum controlling whether there is an inverse for reference.
Inverse - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
The Inverse annotation is used to annotate the reverse direction of the relationship annotated by the Reference annotation.
inverseMultiplicity() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Reference
Define the expected multiplicity of the inverse associated with the reference.
inverseName() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Reference
Return the name of the inverse associated with the reference.
isActive() - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
Return true if the component is active and can be interacted with.
isActive() - Method in interface arez.spy.ComputableValueInfo
Return true if the ComputableValue is active.
isActive() - Method in interface arez.spy.ObserverInfo
Return true if the Observer is active.
isActive() - Method in class arez.Zone
isComplete() - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
Return true if the component is in COMPONENT_COMPLETE state.
isComplete() - Method in class arez.Component
Return true if the creation of this component is complete.
isComponentPresent(String, Object) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Return true if the component identified by type and id has been defined in context.
isComputableTransactionActive() - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Return true if there is a transaction in progress calculating a computable value.
isComputableValue() - Method in interface arez.spy.ObservableValueInfo
Return true if the Observable is a ComputableValue.
isComputableValue() - Method in interface arez.spy.ObserverInfo
Return true if the Observer is a ComputableValue.
isComputing() - Method in interface arez.spy.ComputableValueInfo
Return true if the ComputableValue is "computing".
isConstructed() - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
Return true if the component is in COMPONENT_CONSTRUCTED state.
isDisposed() - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
isDisposed() - Method in class arez.component.internal.MemoizeCache
isDisposed() - Method in class arez.Component
isDisposed() - Method in class arez.ComputableValue
isDisposed() - Method in interface arez.Disposable
Return true if dispose() has been called on object.
isDisposed() - Method in class arez.dom.DocumentVisibility
isDisposed() - Method in class arez.ObservableValue
isDisposed() - Method in class arez.Observer
isDisposed() - Method in class arez.SchedulerLock
isDisposed() - Method in interface arez.spy.ElementInfo
Return true if dispose() has been called on object.
isDisposed() - Method in class arez.Task
isDisposed(Object) - Static method in interface arez.Disposable
Return true if the parameter is Disposable and has been disposed, else return false.
isDisposing() - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
Return true if the component is disposing.
isHidden() - Method in class arez.dom.DocumentVisibility
Return true if visibility state is "hidden".
isIdle() - Method in class arez.dom.IdleStatus
Return true if the user is idle.
isIdle() - Method in interface arez.spy.TaskInfo
Return true if the task is idle - not scheduled to run and not disposed.
isMutation() - Method in class arez.spy.TransactionCompleteEvent
isMutation() - Method in class arez.spy.TransactionStartEvent
isNotDisposed() - Method in interface arez.Disposable
Return true if Disposable.isDisposed() returns false.
isNotDisposed(Object) - Static method in interface arez.Disposable
Return true if Disposable.isDisposed(Object) returns false for the same parameter.
isNotReady() - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
Return true if the component is NOT ready.
isOffLine() - Method in class arez.dom.NetworkStatus
Return true if the browser is offline, false otherwise.
isOnLine() - Method in class arez.dom.NetworkStatus
Return true if the browser is online, false otherwise.
isReadOnly() - Method in interface arez.spy.ObserverInfo
Return true if the Observer will use a read-only transaction.
isReadOnly() - Method in interface arez.spy.TransactionInfo
Return true if the transaciton only allows reads, false if writes allowed.
isReadOnlyTransactionActive() - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Return true if there is a read-only transaction in progress.
isReadWriteTransactionActive() - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Return true if there is a read-write transaction in progress.
isReady() - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
Return true if the component is ready.
isRunning() - Method in interface arez.spy.ObserverInfo
Return true if the Observer is currently running.
isScheduled() - Method in interface arez.spy.ObserverInfo
Return true if the Observer is scheduled to run.
isScheduled() - Method in interface arez.spy.TaskInfo
Return true if the task is scheduled to run.
isSchedulerActive() - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Return true if the scheduler is currently executing tasks.
isSchedulerPaused() - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Return true if the scheduler is paused.
isTaskInterceptorEnabled() - Static method in class arez.Arez
Return true if a task interceptor can be specified.
isTracked() - Method in class arez.spy.ActionCompleteEvent
isTracked() - Method in class arez.spy.ActionStartEvent
isTracking() - Method in interface arez.spy.TransactionInfo
Return true if this transaction is tracking observables accessed within the transaction.
isTrackingTransactionActive() - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Return true if there is a tracking transaction in progress.
isTransactionActive() - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Return true if there is a transaction in progress.
isTransactionActive() - Method in interface arez.spy.Spy
Return true if there is a transaction active.
isVerifyEnabled() - Static method in class arez.Arez
Return true if Verifiable will verify components be used, false if not.
isVisible() - Method in class arez.dom.DocumentVisibility
Return true if visibility state is "visible".


keepAlive() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Memoize
A flag indicating whether the computable should be "kept alive".
keepAlive() - Method in class arez.ComputableValue
Invoke this method to ensure that the ComputableValue is activated and computing a value even if there are no observers.
KEEPALIVE - Static variable in class arez.ComputableValue.Flags
The runtime will keep the ComputableValue reacting to dependencies until disposed.
KEEPALIVE - Static variable in class arez.Observer.Flags
The runtime will keep the observer reacting to dependencies until disposed.


LAZY - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.LinkType
Defines that the reference can be lazily loaded on access.
link() - Method in interface arez.component.Linkable
Resolve any references.
link(Object) - Static method in interface arez.component.Linkable
Link specified object if it is linkable.
Linkable - Interface in arez.component
Interface implemented by components that have references that need to be eagerly resolved.
LinkType - Enum Class in arez.annotations
Defines the strategy for loading references from the Locator.
load() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Reference
Return the strategy for resolving reference.
LOADING - Static variable in class arez.dom.GeoPosition.Status
Position data is loading.
locator() - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Return the locator that can be used to resolve references.
Locator - Interface in arez
The interface used to look up components by type and id.
log(String, Throwable) - Method in interface arez.ArezTestUtil.Logger
LOW - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.Priority
Low priority.
LOW - Enum constant in enum class arez.spy.Priority
Low priority.
LOWEST - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.Priority
Lowest priority.
LOWEST - Enum constant in enum class arez.spy.Priority
Lowest priority.


makeCollectionPropertiesModifiable() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.collections_properties_unmodifiable` setting to true.
makeCollectionPropertiesUnmodifiable() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.collections_properties_unmodifiable` setting to false.
MANY - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.Multiplicity
The inverse is related to many references.
matches() - Method in class arez.dom.MediaQuery
Return true if the media query matches, false otherwise.
MediaQuery - Class in arez.dom
An observable model that indicates whether a window matches a CSS media query.
Memoize - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Methods marked with this annotation are memoized while activated which typically means they have an observer.
MemoizeCache<T> - Class in arez.component.internal
The class responsible for caching ComputableValue instances for different input parameters.
MemoizeCache(ArezContext, Component, String, MemoizeCache.Function<T>, int) - Constructor for class arez.component.internal.MemoizeCache
Create the Memoize method cache.
MemoizeCache(ArezContext, Component, String, MemoizeCache.Function<T>, int, int) - Constructor for class arez.component.internal.MemoizeCache
Create the Memoize method cache.
MemoizeCache.Function<T> - Interface in arez.component.internal
Functional interface for calculating memoizable value.
MemoizeContextParameter - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Annotation applied to methods that define a single "contextual" parameter to one or more Memoize annotated methods.
Multiplicity - Enum Class in arez.annotations
Defines the multiplicity of the Inverse relationship for Reference.
mutation() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Action
Does the action mutate state or not.
mutation() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Observe
Does the observer's tracking method change arez state or not.


name() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Action
Return the name of the Action relative to the component.
name() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.ArezComponent
Return the name of the type.
name() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.ComputableValueRef
Return the name of the associated Memoize property that this ref relates to.
name() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Inverse
Return the name of the inverse relative to the component.
name() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Memoize
Return the root name of the element value relative to the component.
name() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.MemoizeContextParameter
Return the name of the context parameter.
name() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Observable
Return the name of the ObservableValue relative to the component.
name() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.ObservableValueRef
Return the name of the associated ObservableValue property that this ref relates to.
name() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Observe
Return the name of the Observer relative to the component.
name() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.ObserverRef
Return the name of the associated Observer that this ref relates to.
name() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.OnActivate
Return the name of the ComputableValue that this method is associated with.
name() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.OnDeactivate
Return the name of the ComputableValue that this method is associated with.
name() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.OnDepsChange
Return the name of the paired Tracked relative to the component.
name() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.PostInverseAdd
Return the name of the Inverse that this method is associated with.
name() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.PreInverseRemove
Return the name of the Inverse that this method is associated with.
name() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Reference
Return the name of the reference relative to the component.
name() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.ReferenceId
Return the name of the reference relative to the component.
NESTED_ACTIONS_ALLOWED - Static variable in class arez.Observer.Flags
Indicates that the an action can be created from within the Observers observed function.
NESTED_ACTIONS_DISALLOWED - Static variable in class arez.Observer.Flags
Indicates that the an action must not be created from within the Observers observed function.
nestedActionsAllowed() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Observe
Can the observer invoke actions.
NetworkStatus - Class in arez.dom
An observable model that declares state that tracks when the user is "online".
NO_REPORT_RESULT - Static variable in class arez.ActionFlags
Do not report result to spy infrastructure.
NO_REPORT_RESULT - Static variable in class arez.ComputableValue.Flags
If passed, then the computable value should not report result to the spy infrastructure.
NO_REPORT_RESULT - Static variable in class arez.Observer.Flags
The flag can be passed to actions or observers to force the action to not report result to spy infrastructure.
NO_VERIFY_ACTION_REQUIRED - Static variable in class arez.ActionFlags
This flag can be passed to skip verification that action was required.
NO_WRAP_TASK - Static variable in class arez.Task.Flags
The flag that indicates that task should not be wrapped.
noCheckApiInvariants() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.check_api_invariants` setting to false.
noCheckExpensiveInvariants() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.check_expensive_invariants` setting to false.
noCheckInvariants() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.check_invariants` setting to false.
Node - Class in arez
A node within an Arez dependency graph.
noEnforceTransactionType() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.enforce_transaction_type` setting to false.
noPurgeTasksWhenRunawayDetected() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.purge_tasks_when_runaway_detected` setting to false.
NoResultException - Exception in arez.component
Exception thrown by repository when query produces no result when a result was expected.
NoResultException() - Constructor for exception arez.component.NoResultException
Create the exception.
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.Priority
Normal priority.
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class arez.spy.Priority
Normal priority if not otherwise specified.
NoSuchEntityException - Exception in arez.component
Exception thrown by repository when the query for a specific entity failed.
NoSuchEntityException(Object) - Constructor for exception arez.component.NoSuchEntityException
Create the exception
notifyOnDisposeListeners() - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
Notify an OnDispose listeners that have been added to the component.
notObserved(Object) - Static method in interface arez.component.ComponentObservable
Return true if ComponentObservable.observe(Object) returns false for the same parameter.


observable() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.ArezComponent
The enum to control whether the component should support being "observed" by implementing the ComponentObservable interface and allowing invocation of the ComponentObservable.observe(Object) method.
observable() - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create an ObservableValue synthesizing name if required.
observable(Component, String) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create an ObservableValue.
observable(Component, String, PropertyAccessor<T>) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create an ObservableValue.
observable(Component, String, PropertyAccessor<T>, PropertyMutator<T>) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create an ObservableValue.
observable(String) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create an ObservableValue with the specified name.
observable(String, PropertyAccessor<T>, PropertyMutator<T>) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create an ObservableValue.
Observable - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Annotation applied to methods that expose an ObservableValue value in Arez.
ObservablePromise<T,E> - Class in arez.promise
An observable model that wraps a Promise and exposes observable state that track the state of the promise.
ObservablePromise.State - Enum Class in arez.promise
The state of the promise.
ObservableValue<T> - Class in arez
The observable represents state that can be observed within the system.
ObservableValueChangeEvent - Class in arez.spy
Notification when ObservableValue has changed.
ObservableValueChangeEvent(ObservableValueInfo, Object) - Constructor for class arez.spy.ObservableValueChangeEvent
ObservableValueCreateEvent - Class in arez.spy
Notification when ObservableValue is created.
ObservableValueCreateEvent(ObservableValueInfo) - Constructor for class arez.spy.ObservableValueCreateEvent
ObservableValueDisposeEvent - Class in arez.spy
Notification when ObservableValue is disposed.
ObservableValueDisposeEvent(ObservableValueInfo) - Constructor for class arez.spy.ObservableValueDisposeEvent
ObservableValueInfo - Interface in arez.spy
A representation of an ObservableValue instance exposed to spy framework.
ObservableValueRef - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Marks a template method that returns the ObservableValue instance for the Observable annotated property.
observe() - Method in interface arez.component.ComponentObservable
Return true if the component is "alive" a.k.a.
observe() - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
observe(Observer, Function<T>) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the observe function with the specified Observer.
observe(Observer, Function<T>, Object[]) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the observe function with the specified Observer.
observe(Observer, Procedure) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the observe function with the specified Observer.
observe(Observer, Procedure, Object[]) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the observe function with the specified Observer.
observe(Object) - Static method in interface arez.component.ComponentObservable
Invoke ComponentObservable.observe() on the supplied object if any.
Observe - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Annotation that marks a method as observed.
OBSERVE_LOWER_PRIORITY_DEPENDENCIES - Static variable in class arez.ComputableValue.Flags
Flag indicating that the ComputableValue is allowed to observe ComputableValue instances with a lower priority.
OBSERVE_LOWER_PRIORITY_DEPENDENCIES - Static variable in class arez.Observer.Flags
Flag indicating that the Observer is allowed to observe ComputableValue instances with a lower priority.
ObserveCompleteEvent - Class in arez.spy
Notification when Observer completes method being observed.
ObserveCompleteEvent(ObserverInfo, Throwable, int) - Constructor for class arez.spy.ObserveCompleteEvent
observeLowerPriorityDependencies() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Memoize
Flag controlling whether the underlying observer can observe ComputableValue instances with lower priorities.
observeLowerPriorityDependencies() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Observe
Flag controlling whether the observer can observe ComputableValue instances with lower priorities.
observer(Component, String, Procedure) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create an "autorun" observer that reschedules observed procedure when dependency updates occur.
observer(Component, String, Procedure, int) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create an "autorun" observer that reschedules observed procedure when dependency updates occur.
observer(Component, String, Procedure, Procedure) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create an observer.
observer(Component, String, Procedure, Procedure, int) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create an observer.
observer(Procedure) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create an "autorun" observer that reschedules observed procedure when dependency updates occur.
observer(Procedure) - Method in interface arez.testng.ArezTestSupport
observer(Procedure, int) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create an "autorun" observer that reschedules observed procedure when dependency updates occur.
observer(Procedure, Procedure) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create an observer.
observer(Procedure, Procedure, int) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create an observer.
observer(String, Procedure) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create an "autorun" observer that reschedules observed procedure when dependency updates occur.
observer(String, Procedure, int) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create an "autorun" observer that reschedules observed procedure when dependency updates occur.
observer(String, Procedure, Procedure) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create an observer.
observer(String, Procedure, Procedure, int) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create an observer.
Observer - Class in arez
A node within Arez that is notified of changes in 0 or more Observables.
Observer.Flags - Class in arez
ObserverCreateEvent - Class in arez.spy
Notification when Observer is created.
ObserverCreateEvent(ObserverInfo) - Constructor for class arez.spy.ObserverCreateEvent
ObserverDisposeEvent - Class in arez.spy
Notification when Observer is disposed.
ObserverDisposeEvent(ObserverInfo) - Constructor for class arez.spy.ObserverDisposeEvent
ObserverError - Enum Class in arez
The types of errors that observers can generated.
ObserverErrorCollector - Class in arez.testng
ObserverErrorCollector() - Constructor for class arez.testng.ObserverErrorCollector
ObserverErrorCollector(boolean) - Constructor for class arez.testng.ObserverErrorCollector
ObserverErrorEvent - Class in arez.spy
Notification when Observer produces an error.
ObserverErrorEvent(ObserverInfo, ObserverError, Throwable) - Constructor for class arez.spy.ObserverErrorEvent
ObserverErrorHandler - Interface in arez
Interface for handling errors in observers.
ObserverInfo - Interface in arez.spy
A representation of a observer instance exposed to spy framework.
ObserverRef - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Marks a template method that returns the Observer instance for the associated Observe annotated method.
ObserveScheduleEvent - Class in arez.spy
Notification when on observe is scheduled.
ObserveScheduleEvent(ObserverInfo) - Constructor for class arez.spy.ObserveScheduleEvent
ObserveStartEvent - Class in arez.spy
Notification when Observer is about to call method being observed.
ObserveStartEvent(ObserverInfo) - Constructor for class arez.spy.ObserveStartEvent
ON_ACTIVATE_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class arez.ObserverError
Exception generated in OnActivate hook action.
ON_DEACTIVATE_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class arez.ObserverError
Exception generated in OnDeactivate hook action.
OnActivate - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Identifies method that is called when the ComputableValue changes from the INACTIVE state to any other state.
OnDeactivate - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Identifies method that is called when the ComputableValue changes to the INACTIVE state from any other state.
OnDepsChange - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Identifies method that will be invoked when the dependencies of the paired Observe annotated method are changed.
ONE - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.Multiplicity
The inverse is related to exactly one reference.
onObserverError(Observer, ObserverError, Throwable) - Method in interface arez.ObserverErrorHandler
Report an error in observer.
onSpyEvent(Object) - Method in interface arez.spy.SpyEventHandler
Report an event in the Arez system.
outerHeight(Window) - Static method in class arez.dom.WindowSize
Create an event driven observable component for window.outerHeight.
outerWidth(Window) - Static method in class arez.dom.WindowSize
Create an event driven observable component for window.outerWidth.


pattern() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.MemoizeContextParameter
Return a regular expression for matching the arez names of memoized methods where this context parameter is tracked.
pauseScheduler() - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Pause scheduler so that it will not run any reactions next time ArezContext.triggerScheduler() is invoked.
pauseScheduler() - Method in interface arez.testng.ArezTestSupport
PENDING - Enum constant in enum class arez.promise.ObservablePromise.State
PERMISSION_DENIED - Static variable in class arez.dom.GeoPosition.Status
The acquisition of the geolocation information failed because the page didn't have the permission to do it.
Position - Class in arez.dom
An immutable variant of GeolocationCoordinates.
Position(double, Double, Double, double, double, Double) - Constructor for class arez.dom.Position
Create the position object.
POSITION_LOADED - Static variable in class arez.dom.GeoPosition.Status
No error acquiring position.
POSITION_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in class arez.dom.GeoPosition.Status
The acquisition of the geolocation failed because at least one internal source of position returned an internal error.
PostConstruct - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Annotation to identify method that is invoked after the component is constructed.
PostDispose - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Annotation to identify method that is invoked after the component is disposed.
PostInverseAdd - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Identifies a method that will be invoked after an inverse reference is added to a component.
postTest() - Method in interface arez.testng.ArezTestSupport
preDispose() - Method in class arez.component.internal.AbstractRepository
Dispose or detach all the entities associated with the container.
PreDispose - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Annotation to identify method that is invoked before the component is disposed.
PreInverseRemove - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Identifies a method that will be invoked before an inverse reference is removed from a component.
PRERENDER - Enum constant in enum class arez.dom.DocumentVisibility.Visibility
The page content is being prerendered and is not visible to the user (considered hidden for purposes of document.hidden).
preReportChanged() - Method in class arez.ObservableValue
Check that pre-conditions are satisfied before changing observable value.
preTest() - Method in interface arez.testng.ArezTestSupport
priority() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Memoize
The priority of the underlying ComputableValue observer
priority() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Observe
The priority of the underlying observer
Priority - Enum Class in arez.annotations
Enum to control scheduling priority of observers/reactions.
Priority - Enum Class in arez.spy
Enum to control scheduling priority of observers/reactions.
PRIORITY_HIGH - Static variable in class arez.ComputableValue.Flags
High priority.
PRIORITY_HIGH - Static variable in class arez.Observer.Flags
High priority.
PRIORITY_HIGH - Static variable in class arez.Task.Flags
High priority.
PRIORITY_HIGHEST - Static variable in class arez.ComputableValue.Flags
Highest priority.
PRIORITY_HIGHEST - Static variable in class arez.Observer.Flags
Highest priority.
PRIORITY_HIGHEST - Static variable in class arez.Task.Flags
Highest priority.
PRIORITY_LOW - Static variable in class arez.ComputableValue.Flags
Low priority.
PRIORITY_LOW - Static variable in class arez.Observer.Flags
Low priority.
PRIORITY_LOW - Static variable in class arez.Task.Flags
Low priority.
PRIORITY_LOWEST - Static variable in class arez.ComputableValue.Flags
Lowest priority.
PRIORITY_LOWEST - Static variable in class arez.Observer.Flags
Lowest priority.
PRIORITY_LOWEST - Static variable in class arez.Task.Flags
Lowest priority.
PRIORITY_MASK - Static variable in class arez.ComputableValue.Flags
Mask used to extract priority bits.
PRIORITY_MASK - Static variable in class arez.Observer.Flags
Mask used to extract priority bits.
PRIORITY_NORMAL - Static variable in class arez.ComputableValue.Flags
Normal priority if no other priority otherwise specified.
PRIORITY_NORMAL - Static variable in class arez.Observer.Flags
Normal priority if no other priority otherwise specified.
PRIORITY_NORMAL - Static variable in class arez.Task.Flags
Normal priority if no other priority otherwise specified.
Procedure - Interface in arez
Interface for performing an action that does not return a value.
process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class arez.processor.ArezProcessor
PropertyAccessor<T> - Interface in arez.spy
Returning the value of an ObservableValue.
PropertyMutator<T> - Interface in arez.spy
Changing the value of an ObservableValue.
purgeTasksWhenRunawayDetected() - Static method in class arez.Arez
Return true if active tasks will be purged if the scheduler is still running after 100 rounds.
purgeTasksWhenRunawayDetected() - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Set the `arez.purge_tasks_when_runaway_detected` setting to true.


REACTION_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class arez.ObserverError
Exception generated when the reaction is executing.
READ_ONLY - Static variable in class arez.ActionFlags
The action can only read arez state.
READ_ONLY - Static variable in class arez.Observer.Flags
The observer can only read arez state.
READ_OUTSIDE_TRANSACTION - Static variable in class arez.ComputableValue.Flags
Flag indicating that the ComputableValue be accessed outside a transaction.
READ_WRITE - Static variable in class arez.ActionFlags
The action can read or write arez state.
READ_WRITE - Static variable in class arez.Observer.Flags
The observer can read or write arez state.
readOutsideTransaction() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Memoize
Indicate whether the memoized value can be read outside a transaction.
readOutsideTransaction() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Observable
Indicate whether the observable can be read outside a transaction.
READY - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.State
The scheduler has been triggered and any Observe methods have been invoked if runtime managed.
Reference - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
A Reference annotation is placed on an abstract method that will resolve to a referenced object.
ReferenceId - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
This annotation designates the method used to retrieve the id of the reference.
referenceName() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Inverse
Return the name of the reference that the inverse is associated with.
registerHook(String, Procedure, Procedure) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Register a hook for the current ComputedValue or Observer.
registerLocator(Locator) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Register an entity locator to use to resolve references.
registerLookup(Class<T>, Function<Object, T>) - Method in class arez.component.TypeBasedLocator
Register a function that will find entities of specified type by id.
REJECTED - Enum constant in enum class arez.promise.ObservablePromise.State
removeObserverErrorHandler(ObserverErrorHandler) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Remove error handler from list of existing error handlers.
removeOnDisposeListener(Object) - Method in interface arez.component.DisposeNotifier
Remove the listener with specified key from the notify list.
removeOnDisposeListener(Object) - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
Remove the listener with specified key from the notify list.
removeSpyEventHandler(SpyEventHandler) - Method in interface arez.spy.Spy
Remove spy handler from list of existing handlers.
reportChanged() - Method in class arez.ObservableValue
Notify Arez that this observable has changed.
reportObserved() - Method in class arez.ObservableValue
Notify Arez that this observable has been "observed" in the current transaction.
reportObservedIfTrackingTransactionActive() - Method in class arez.ObservableValue
Notify Arez that this observable has been "observed" if a tracking transaction is active.
reportParameters() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Action
Return true if the parameters should be reported to the Arez spy subsystem.
reportParameters() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Observe
Return true if the parameters should be reported to the core Arez runtime.
reportPossiblyChanged() - Method in class arez.ComputableValue
Invoked when a non-arez dependency of the ComputableValue has changed.
reportRead() - Method in class arez.component.internal.AbstractRepository
reportResult() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Action
Return true if the return value of the action (if any) should be reported to the Arez spy subsystem.
reportResult() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Memoize
Return true if the return value of the memoized value should be reported to the Arez spy subsystem.
reportResult() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Observe
Return true if the return value of the observed function (if any) should be reported to the Arez spy subsystem.
reportSpyEvent(Object) - Method in interface arez.spy.Spy
Report an event in the Arez system.
reportStale() - Method in class arez.Observer
This method should be invoked if the observer has non-arez dependencies and one of these dependencies has been updated.
REQUIRE_NEW_TRANSACTION - Static variable in class arez.ActionFlags
The action must create a new transaction and will not use containing transaction.
requireEquals() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.ArezComponent
Indicate whether the Object.hashCode() and Object.equals(Object) methods need to be implemented.
requireId() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.ArezComponent
Indicates whether the component should support access of the id via Identifiable.getArezId(Object).
requireNewTransaction() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Action
True if the action should always start a new transaction.
resetBrowserLocation() - Method in class arez.dom.BrowserLocation
Revert the browsers location to the application location.
resetConfig(boolean) - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Reset the state of Arez config to either production or development state.
returnsResult() - Method in class arez.spy.ActionCompleteEvent
run(Function<T>) - Method in class arez.Zone
Run the specified function in the zone.
run(Procedure) - Method in class arez.Zone
Run the specified procedure in the zone.
run(IHookCallBack, ITestResult) - Method in class arez.testng.ArezTestHook
run(IHookCallBack, ITestResult) - Method in interface arez.testng.ArezTestSupport
RUN_LATER - Static variable in class arez.ComputableValue.Flags
The scheduler will not be triggered when the ComputableValue is created.
RUN_LATER - Static variable in class arez.Observer.Flags
The scheduler will not be triggered when the observer is created.
RUN_LATER - Static variable in class arez.Task.Flags
The scheduler will not be triggered when the task is created.
RUN_NOW - Static variable in class arez.ComputableValue.Flags
The scheduler will be triggered when the ComputableValue is created to immediately invoke the compute function.
RUN_NOW - Static variable in class arez.Observer.Flags
The scheduler will be triggered when the observer is created to immediately invoke the Observer._observe function.
RUN_NOW - Static variable in class arez.Task.Flags
The scheduler will be triggered when the task is created to immediately invoke the task.


safeAction(SafeFunction<T>) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the supplied executable.
safeAction(SafeFunction<T>) - Method in interface arez.testng.ArezTestSupport
safeAction(SafeFunction<T>, int) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the supplied executable.
safeAction(SafeProcedure) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the supplied executable in a transaction.
safeAction(SafeProcedure) - Method in interface arez.testng.ArezTestSupport
safeAction(SafeProcedure, int) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the supplied executable in a transaction.
safeAction(String, SafeFunction<T>) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the supplied executable.
safeAction(String, SafeFunction<T>, int) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the supplied executable.
safeAction(String, SafeFunction<T>, int, Object[]) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the supplied executable.
safeAction(String, SafeProcedure) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the supplied executable in a transaction.
safeAction(String, SafeProcedure, int) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the supplied executable in a transaction.
safeAction(String, SafeProcedure, int, Object[]) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the supplied executable in a transaction.
SafeFunction<T> - Interface in arez
Functional interface for returning a value.
safeObserve(Observer, SafeFunction<T>) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the observe function with the specified Observer.
safeObserve(Observer, SafeFunction<T>, Object[]) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the observe function with the specified Observer.
safeObserve(Observer, SafeProcedure) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the observe function with the specified Observer.
safeObserve(Observer, SafeProcedure, Object[]) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Execute the observe function with the specified Observer.
SafeProcedure - Interface in arez
Interface for performing an action that does not return a value.
safeRun(SafeFunction<T>) - Method in class arez.Zone
Run the specified function in the zone.
safeRun(SafeProcedure) - Method in class arez.Zone
Run the specified procedure in the zone.
safeSetObservable(String, SafeProcedure) - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
Invoke the setter in a transaction.
schedule() - Method in class arez.Observer
Schedule this observer if it does not already have a reaction pending.
schedule() - Method in class arez.Task
Re-schedule this task if it is idle and trigger the scheduler if it is not active.
SchedulerLock - Class in arez
A lock that stops the scheduler from running tasks until the lock is released.
self() - Method in class arez.component.internal.AbstractRepository
Return the repository instance cast to typed subtype.
SerializableEvent - Interface in arez.spy
Interface used to serialize events.
service() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.ArezComponent
An enum controlling whether the component is treated like a service or an entity.
set(T) - Method in interface arez.spy.PropertyMutator
Change the value of an ObservableValue to specified value.
SET_NULL - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.ComponentDependency.Action
Set the Observable property that holds dependency to null.
setDocument(Document) - Method in class arez.dom.DocumentVisibility
Change the document that is having visibility state monitored.
setEvents(Set<String>) - Method in class arez.dom.IdleStatus
Specify the set of events to listen to.
setLogger(ArezTestUtil.Logger) - Static method in class arez.ArezTestUtil
Specify logger to use to capture logging in tests.
setObservable(String, Procedure) - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
Invoke the setter in a transaction.
setPreventDefault(boolean) - Method in class arez.dom.BrowserLocation
Set a flag to determine whether events default action will be prevented.
setQuery(String) - Method in class arez.dom.MediaQuery
Change the media query to test against.
setSource(SourceType) - Method in class arez.dom.EventDrivenValue
Set the element that generates events.
setTaskInterceptor(TaskInterceptor) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Specify a interceptor to use to wrap task execution in.
setterAlwaysMutates() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Observable
Return false if the setter should verify observable value has changed before propagating change.
setTimeout(long) - Method in class arez.dom.IdleStatus
Set the timeout.
setValue(Object) - Method in interface arez.spy.ObservableValueInfo
Set the value of the specified Observable.
shouldCheckApiInvariants() - Static method in class arez.Arez
Return true if apiInvariants will be checked.
shouldCheckExpensiveInvariants() - Static method in class arez.Arez
Return true if expensive invariants will be checked.
shouldCheckInvariants() - Static method in class arez.Arez
Return true if invariants will be checked.
shouldDisposeEntryOnDispose() - Method in class arez.component.internal.AbstractRepository
shouldPreventDefault() - Method in class arez.dom.BrowserLocation
Return true if component will prevent default actions when hash.
Spy - Interface in arez.spy
Interface for interacting with spy system.
SpyEventHandler - Interface in arez.spy
Interface for receiving spy events.
State - Enum Class in arez.annotations
Defines the states of a component.
sting() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.ArezComponent
Enum controlling whether sting integration is enabled.
SuppressArezWarnings - Annotation Interface in arez.annotations
Indicate that the named Arez compiler warnings should be suppressed in the annotated element (and in all program elements contained in the annotated element).


task(SafeProcedure) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create and queue a task to be executed by the runtime.
task(SafeProcedure, int) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create and queue a task to be executed by the runtime.
task(String, SafeProcedure) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create and queue a task to be executed by the runtime.
task(String, SafeProcedure, int) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create and queue a task to be executed by the runtime.
Task - Class in arez
A task represents an executable element that can be run by the task executor.
Task.Flags - Class in arez
TaskCompleteEvent - Class in arez.spy
Notification that task has completed execution.
TaskCompleteEvent(TaskInfo, Throwable, int) - Constructor for class arez.spy.TaskCompleteEvent
TaskInfo - Interface in arez.spy
A representation of a task instance exposed to spy framework.
TaskInterceptor - Interface in arez
An interceptor that intercepts the execution of tasks.
TaskStartEvent - Class in arez.spy
Notification that Task is starting.
TaskStartEvent(TaskInfo) - Constructor for class arez.spy.TaskStartEvent
TIMEOUT - Static variable in class arez.dom.GeoPosition.Status
The time allowed to acquire the geolocation, defined by PositionOptions.timeout information was reached before the information was obtained.
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.ActionCompleteEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.ActionStartEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.ComponentCreateCompleteEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.ComponentCreateStartEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.ComponentDisposeCompleteEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.ComponentDisposeStartEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.ComputableValueActivateEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.ComputableValueCreateEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.ComputableValueDeactivateEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.ComputableValueDisposeEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.ComputeCompleteEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.ComputeStartEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.ObservableValueChangeEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.ObservableValueCreateEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.ObservableValueDisposeEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.ObserveCompleteEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.ObserverCreateEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.ObserverDisposeEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.ObserverErrorEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.ObserveScheduleEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.ObserveStartEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface arez.spy.SerializableEvent
Convert event attributes to json compatible values in map.
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.TaskCompleteEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.TaskStartEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.TransactionCompleteEvent
toMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class arez.spy.TransactionStartEvent
toString() - Method in class arez.component.internal.ComponentKernel
toString() - Method in exception arez.component.NoSuchEntityException
toString() - Method in class arez.Component
toString() - Method in class arez.Node
tracker(Component, String, Procedure) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create a tracking observer.
tracker(Component, String, Procedure, int) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create a tracking observer.
tracker(Procedure) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create a tracking observer.
tracker(Procedure, int) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create a tracking observer.
tracker(String, Procedure) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create a tracking observer.
tracker(String, Procedure, int) - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Create a tracking observer.
TransactionCompleteEvent - Class in arez.spy
Notification when Transaction completes.
TransactionCompleteEvent(String, boolean, ObserverInfo, int) - Constructor for class arez.spy.TransactionCompleteEvent
TransactionInfo - Interface in arez.spy
Spy interface into transaction data.
TransactionStartEvent - Class in arez.spy
Notification when Transaction starts.
TransactionStartEvent(String, boolean, ObserverInfo) - Constructor for class arez.spy.TransactionStartEvent
triggerScheduler() - Method in class arez.ArezContext
Method invoked to trigger the scheduler to run any pending reactions.
TypeBasedLocator - Class in arez.component
An Locator implementation where you can register a function-per type to be resolved.
TypeBasedLocator() - Constructor for class arez.component.TypeBasedLocator


validateTypeAtRuntime() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.ComponentDependency
Return true and the value of the annotated field will be validated at runtime rather than at compile time.
value() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.ComponentStateRef
Return the component state which will cause the annotated method to return true.
value() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.SuppressArezWarnings
The set of warnings that are to be suppressed by the compiler in the annotated element.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class arez.annotations.ComponentDependency.Action
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class arez.annotations.DepType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class arez.annotations.Executor
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class arez.annotations.Feature
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class arez.annotations.LinkType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class arez.annotations.Multiplicity
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class arez.annotations.Priority
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class arez.annotations.State
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class arez.dom.DocumentVisibility.Visibility
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class arez.ObserverError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class arez.promise.ObservablePromise.State
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class arez.spy.Priority
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class arez.annotations.ComponentDependency.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class arez.annotations.DepType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class arez.annotations.Executor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class arez.annotations.Feature
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class arez.annotations.LinkType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class arez.annotations.Multiplicity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class arez.annotations.Priority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class arez.annotations.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class arez.dom.DocumentVisibility.Visibility
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class arez.ObserverError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class arez.promise.ObservablePromise.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class arez.spy.Priority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
Verifiable - Interface in arez.component
Interface implemented by components that can verify their internal state.
verify() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.ArezComponent
Indicates whether the component should implement the interface Verifiable.
verify() - Method in interface arez.component.Verifiable
verify the state of the component and raise an exception if any state fails to verify.
verify(Object) - Static method in interface arez.component.Verifiable
Verify they supplied object if it is verifiable.
VERIFY_ACTION_REQUIRED - Static variable in class arez.ActionFlags
If passed to an action, the the action must verify that an action performed an activity that required a transaction.
verifyReferencesToComponent() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.ArezComponent
Indicate whether references to the component should also be annotated with CascadeDispose or ComponentDependency.
verifyRequired() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Action
Flag indicating whether the code should verify that at least one read or write occurs within the scope of the action.
VISIBLE - Enum constant in enum class arez.dom.DocumentVisibility.Visibility
The page content may be at least partially visible.


willPropagateSpyEvents() - Method in interface arez.spy.Spy
Return true if spy events will be propagated.
WindowSize - Class in arez.dom
Factory for getting observable models that sizing of windows.
wrap(Collection<T>) - Static method in class arez.component.internal.CollectionsUtil
Wrap specified parameter with unmodifiable variant if and only if Arez.areCollectionsPropertiesUnmodifiable() returns true, otherwise return the supplied list.
wrap(List<T>) - Static method in class arez.component.internal.CollectionsUtil
Wrap specified list with unmodifiable list if and only if Arez.areCollectionsPropertiesUnmodifiable() returns true, otherwise return the supplied list.
wrap(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class arez.component.internal.CollectionsUtil
Wrap specified parameter with unmodifiable map if and only if Arez.areCollectionsPropertiesUnmodifiable() returns true, otherwise return the supplied map.
wrap(Set<T>) - Static method in class arez.component.internal.CollectionsUtil
Wrap specified parameter with unmodifiable set if and only if Arez.areCollectionsPropertiesUnmodifiable() returns true, otherwise return the supplied set.
writeOutsideTransaction() - Element in annotation interface arez.annotations.Observable
Return true if the observable will create an action if the write occurs outside a transaction.


ZERO_OR_ONE - Enum constant in enum class arez.annotations.Multiplicity
The inverse is related to one or no reference.
Zone - Class in arez
An isolated Arez context.
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