Package arez.spy
package arez.spy
Spy events and introspection utilities.
package and this package are
highly inter-dependent but they are kept separated as production builds
typically compile out everything in this package when spies are disabled.-
ClassDescriptionNotification when Action completes.Notification when Action starts.Notification when a Component is has finished being created.Notification when a Component is starting to be created.Notification when a Component dispose has completed.Notification when a Component is disposed.A representation of a component instance exposed to spy framework.ComputableValue has activated.ComputableValue has been created.ComputableValue has de-activated.ComputableValue has been disposed.A representation of a ComputableValue instance exposed to spy framework.Notification when Computation completes.Notification when Computation starts.A representation of an element exposed to spy framework.Notification when ObservableValue has changed.Notification when ObservableValue is created.Notification when ObservableValue is disposed.A representation of an ObservableValue instance exposed to spy framework.Notification when Observer completes method being observed.Notification when Observer is created.Notification when Observer is disposed.Notification when Observer produces an error.A representation of a observer instance exposed to spy framework.Notification when on observe is scheduled.Notification when Observer is about to call method being observed.Enum to control scheduling priority of observers/reactions.Returning the value of an ObservableValue.Changing the value of an ObservableValue.Interface used to serialize events.Interface for interacting with spy system.Interface for receiving spy events.Notification that task has completed execution.A representation of a task instance exposed to spy framework.Notification that Task is starting.Notification when Transaction completes.Spy interface into transaction data.Notification when Transaction starts.