Package arez
@OmitPattern(type="^.*\\.Arez_[^.]+$",symbol="^\\$clinit$") @OmitPattern(type="^.*\\.Arez_[^.]+$",symbol="^toString$",unless="arez.enable_names") @OmitPattern(type="^.*([._])Arez_[^.]+Repository$",symbol="^getRepositoryName$",unless="arez.enable_names") @OmitPattern(type="^.*([._])Arez_[^.]+Repository$",symbol="\\$equals") @OmitPattern(type="^.*([._])Arez_[^.]+Repository$",symbol="^\\$\\$arezi\\$\\$_id$",unless="arez.enable_native_components") @OmitPattern(type="^.*([._])Arez_[^.]+Repository$",symbol="^\\$\\$arezi\\$\\$_nextId$",unless="arez.enable_native_components") @OmitPattern(symbol="^\\$clinit$")
@KeepPattern(type="^.*\\.Arez_[^.]+_Factory$",symbol="^\\$clinit$") @KeepPattern(type="^arez\\.ArezContextHolder$",symbol="^\\$clinit$",unless="arez.enable_zones") @KeepPattern(type="^arez\\.ZoneHolder$",symbol="^\\$clinit$",when="arez.enable_zones")
package arez
Core Arez primitives.
ClassDescriptionFlags that can be passed to configure actions.Provide access to an instance of ArezContext and Arez global configuration settings.The ArezContext defines the top level container of interconnected observables and observers.Utility class for interacting with Arez config settings in tests.Interface to intercept log messages emitted by Arez runtime.The component is an abstraction representation of a reactive component within Arez.The ComputableValue represents an ObservableValue derived from other ObservableValues within the Arez system.Flags that can configure ComputableValue instances during creation.Interface that allows caller to release any resources associated with element.Function<T>Functional interface for returning a value.Hook that can be registered for the current observer.The interface used to look up components by type and id.A node within an Arez dependency graph.The observable represents state that can be observed within the system.A node within Arez that is notified of changes in 0 or more Observables.The types of errors that observers can generated.Interface for handling errors in observers.Interface for performing an action that does not return a value.SafeFunction<T>Functional interface for returning a value.Interface for performing an action that does not return a value.A lock that stops the scheduler from running tasks until the lock is released.A task represents an executable element that can be run by the task executor.An interceptor that intercepts the execution of tasks.An isolated Arez context.