Package arez.dom

package arez.dom
  • Class
    This is a simple abstraction over browser location as a hash.
    A class containing width and height dimensions.
    Exposes document.visibilityState as an observable property for specified documents.
    The visibility state of the document.
    EventDrivenValue<SourceType extends akasha.EventTarget,ValueType>
    Generic component that exposes a property as observable where changes to the variable are signalled using a browser event.
    EventDrivenValue.Accessor<SourceType extends akasha.EventTarget,ValueType>
    The functional interface defining accessor.
    A component that exposes the current geo position as an observable property.
    An Arez browser component that tracks when the user is idle.
    An observable model that indicates whether a window matches a CSS media query.
    An observable model that declares state that tracks when the user is "online".
    An immutable variant of GeolocationCoordinates.
    Factory for getting observable models that sizing of windows.