Package arez.annotations

@OmitPattern package arez.annotations
This package contains annotations used by the annotation processor to generate model elements.
  • Class
    Annotation added to a class or interface that indicates that the type should be treated as a component when verifying references to type.
    Methods marked with this annotation are invoked in an Arez transaction.
    Annotation that marks classes or interfaces to be processed by Arez annotation processor.
    Methods and fields annotated by this annotation should be disposed when the component is disposed.
    Methods and fields marked with this annotation are dependencies of the component.
    The action to take when dependency is disposed.
    Annotate the method that should return the Id for Arez component.
    Marks a template method that returns the Id of the component.
    Annotate the method that will be overridden to provide the "name" of the Arez component.
    Marks a template method that returns the Component instance for the component.
    Annotate the method that will be overridden to return true if the component is in the specified state.
    Annotate the method that will be overridden to return the value of
    Marks a template method that returns the ComputableValue instance for the Memoize annotated property.
    Marks a template method that returns the ArezContext instance for component.
    Enumeration that describes the types of dependencies supported by an Observer or a ComputableValue.
    Enum describing the executor responsible for executing the Observer's observe method.
    Enum to control if a feature should be enabled.
    The Inverse annotation is used to annotate the reverse direction of the relationship annotated by the Reference annotation.
    Defines the strategy for loading references from the Locator.
    Methods marked with this annotation are memoized while activated which typically means they have an observer.
    Defines the multiplicity of the Inverse relationship for Reference.
    Annotation applied to methods that expose an ObservableValue value in Arez.
    Marks a template method that returns the ObservableValue instance for the Observable annotated property.
    Annotation that marks a method as observed.
    Marks a template method that returns the Observer instance for the associated Observe annotated method.
    Identifies method that is called when the ComputableValue changes from the INACTIVE state to any other state.
    Identifies method that is called when the ComputableValue changes to the INACTIVE state from any other state.
    Identifies method that will be invoked when the dependencies of the paired Observe annotated method are changed.
    Annotation to identify method that is invoked after the component is constructed.
    Annotation to identify method that is invoked after the component is disposed.
    Identifies a method that will be invoked after an inverse reference is added to a component.
    Annotation to identify method that is invoked before the component is disposed.
    Identifies a method that will be invoked before an inverse reference is removed from a component.
    Enum to control scheduling priority of observers/reactions.
    A Reference annotation is placed on an abstract method that will resolve to a referenced object.
    This annotation designates the method used to retrieve the id of the reference.
    Defines the states of a component.
    Indicate that the named Arez compiler warnings should be suppressed in the annotated element (and in all program elements contained in the annotated element).